Поиск - Kapadokya Kitabevi


Alice's adventures in wonderland Lewis Carrol

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“I’m sure those are not the right words,” said poor Alice, and her eyes filled with tears again as she went on, “I must be Mabel after all, and I shall have to go and live in that poky little house, and have next to no toys to play with, and oh! ever...


Stage 5 Little Women

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"Here you are, mammy." Said Joe. "This money is for the father." "But how have you found it?" asked Mrs. March. At that moment she found out that her doughter’s shinning bright hair had been cut. "Oh, Joe" she said. "You have done the right thing."...


Stage 5 The thirdy nine steps

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"There is no trouble from Germany". That was what the goverment thougth but what about the Scudder’s little note - book? He had been working on his poject for a long time and he was sure that the spies from Germany were in England and was planning to...

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