Поиск - Jack London


Beyaz Dis

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Beyaz Diş acımasız sahibinden kurtarılan ve yavaş yavaş yeni sahibi Weedon Scott'ın sabrı ve nezaketiyle evcilleştirilen bir kurt köpeğinin hikayesidir. "Orman zayıfları kolay kolay bağrına basmaz." "Annesinin Kiche olduğu besbelli. Ama babası bir ku...


Stage 1 - A1: The Call Of The Wild

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Buck lived a comfortable life in California at Judge Miller’s house. But, all of a sudden, he was stolen and sold to a dog trader. The Gold Rush needed strong and fast dogs. That is why Buck goes to the North and becomes a sledge dog unwillingly. He...


Stage 1 The Call Of The Wild MK Publications

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Buck, lived a comfortable life in California at Judge Miller’s house. But, all of a sudden, he was stolen and sold to a dog trader. The Gold Rush needed strong and fast dogs. That is why Buck goes to the North and becomes a sledge dog unwillingly. He...


Stage 3 - The Call Of The Wild

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Vahsetin Cagrisi

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Orta yol yoktu ve bulunamazdı. Ya "efendi" olmalıydı ya da "itaat etmeli"ydi. Bu nedenle herhangi bir şekilde merhamet göstermek zayıflık anlamına geliyordu. Merhametin vahşi hayatta yeri yoktu. Merhamet edersen bu ancak korku olarak anlaşılırdı ve b...

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