Поиск - Joseph Conrad


Lord Jim. Joseph Conrad

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Heart Of Darkness Joseph Conrad

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I heard her weeping; she had hidden her face in her hands. It seemed to me that the house would collapse before I could escape, that the heavens would fall upon my head. But nothing happened. The heavens do not fall for such a trifle. Would they have...


Heart of darkness Norton Joseph Conrad

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Missing words have been restored and the entire novel has been repunctuated in accordance with Conrad's style. The result is the first published version of Heart of Darkness that allows readers to hear Marlow's voice as Conrad heard it when he wrote ...


Lord Jim. Joseph Conrad. Stage5

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A hundred years ago a seaman’s life was full of danger, but Jim, the first mate on board the Patna, is not afraid of danger. He is young, strong, confident of his bravery. He dreams of great adventures - and the chance to show the world what a hero h...


Nabız Joseph Conrad

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Herhangi bir şeyi tüm hayatınızı değiştirecek kadar çok istediniz mi? Emily Cooper tanıştıkları günden beri aklından çıkmayan Gavin Blake’le beraber olabilmek için her şeyi bir kenara bırakmaya hazırdır. Peki, Gavin yakında evlenecek olan Emily’yi hâ...

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